Monday, September 22, 2008

Here I Am........

Finally, I've decided to start a blog! I've been reading blogs before I knew what they were, and it got to the point I was reading so many that I didn't have time to start my own. So sorry for some of you, I will have to drop you from my reading to chronicle the happenings and mis-happenings of my own family. Here is just an update on our lives, so that we can avoid the redundant questions.

  1. Yes, we are still at Fort Huachuca, AZ
  2. Yes, we have really been here that long (6 yrs)!
  3. Yes, I am pregnant with my 4th child
  4. Yes, I know how it happens!
  5. No, I do not know the sex of the baby, but my guess is its a boy or girl!
  6. Yes, we're SUPPOSED to be moving in May to Ft. Sill, OK.
  7. Yes, I know the expression you just had on your face!
  8. Yes, we are excited to move to such an unexciting place.
  9. Yes, I'm sure that Strati has made someone mad.
  10. Yes, I'm sure you'll have even more questions, that I can't promise I will answer!



Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I knew you'd do it eventually.

Fort Sill? Seriously? And yeah, I had that expression.

Jennifer said...

WooHoo! I'm glad to see I made your blog list!!

snapie said...

Where is the picture of your best friends? HMMMM :p

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I'm so excited to catch up on your life. Ft. Sill is kinda sorta closer to Ft. Hood. SIX years at Huachuca! I can't believe it. I'd love to go back there, seriously. Ft. Hood is too Army :) .

Linda said...

I am so excited you have a blog! I have had a rough day with kids puking and stuff and this totally made my day all better! :-) We were stationed at Ft. Sill from Jan '97 to June '00. There were some awesome people there and we actually liked it quite a bit. Of course, there is that tornado thing...BTW, someone looks totally hot in the picture on the right of your blog and it ain't Strati! :-) How is the pregnancy going? I'm sure you are right about the sex of the baby. :-)We miss you guys SO much and I am so glad you decided to do a blog! Yea!

Marrian said...

Hey, it's Marrian. I found your blog from Shar's. Congrats on the pregnancy thing. I wish I could say I was having another one. But not until we leave Germany. I've heard way too many scary stories and I don't want another Sierra Vista experience. Good luck at Sill. I love all the family pictures.

Harold said...

Yeah! Your a blogger. I want to see your glass nativity.That sounds cool. I do worry about taking glass into my house.
Your prego. That is awsome. Don't be so sure about it being a girl or a boy. Don't you ever watch dateline. You may get a mix. One more thing for you to worry about. I'm sure what ever the sex,lremau it will be the cutest dang baby around. I want to see prego pics.